Policy Brief: The gender divide in skills development: Progress, challenges and policy options for empowering women

What is it?

Gender gaps persist globally in women’s access to skills development and participation in the labour market. The main challenges women face include gender biases in occupational choices; barriers to education and training, especially in rural and informal economies; sociocultural and economic constraints; and low representation of women in STEM subjects. To address these challenges, countries need to: i) include a gender focus in national skills development policies and strategies; ii) create gender-sensitive training environments; iii) create opportunities for women in technology-intensive areas; iv) create opportunities for men in social and care work; v) promote role models; and vi) encourage and enable women to participate in lifelong learning opportunities.


Part of the Policy Brief series produced by ILO Skills and Employability.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, women and girls are bearing the brunt of care responsibilities during school closures. Overcoming the gender digital divide is essential to allow women to participate equally in digital learning and teleworking where possible – in addition to challenging traditional gender roles.

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