How Digital is Transforming the Lives of Young People in Small Island Developing States

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
What is it?

Digital is creating fresh opportunities, opening doors to unconventional careers, and redefining how knowledge is acquired and shared. Young people are using digital to start new businesses, explore new opportunities, learn new knowledge and skills, and build global connections. However, young people are also cautious about digital – and they recognize the risks and issues posed by digital channels, tools, and technologies.


‘How Digital is Transforming the Lives of Young People in SIDS’ explores these opportunities and challenges by hearing from young people – in their own words. Through a bespoke survey chatbot, running on messaging platforms most used by young people living in SIDS, more than 5,000 respondents from over 30 countries discuss how they’re using digital to transform their lives and livelihoods. And the barriers and challenges that they are facing on their digital journeys.