Development Learning Pathways - a new learning hub on development cooperation and partnerships

International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO)
What is it?

The Learning Pathways provide structured guidance and access to a diverse selection of short and long courses covering key topics in DC and Partnerships. Whether you are interested in project design and implementation, adaptive management and monitoring, financial management for development professionals, or communication for project results, you will find a wealth of learning opportunities tailored to your needs and much more.

Developed as a joint initiative by the Department for Multilateral Partnerships and Development Cooperation (PARTNERSHIPS), the ILO International Training Centre in Turin (ITCILO) and the Human Resources Development Department (HRD), the portal is designed to support ILO staff development.

What’s new?

  • Explore a wealth of learning opportunities of different contents, formats and durations.
  • Access model curricula to structure your learning pathways.
  • Connect with peers via the DC Community of Practice.

We encourage you to explore the portal, especially as you prepare for your Beginning of Cycle and Performance Appraisals.

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