YMCA Accelerator Summit 2024

21 October 2024 - 25 October 2024

The worldwide work of YMCA Vision 2030 has four Pillars of Impact: Community Wellbeing, Meaningful Work, Sustainable Planet and Just World. These are the issues chosen by young people as their areas of greatest concern, where they want to make the biggest impact. They are the issues on which we work with like-minded partners all over the world.

The objectives of the Summit are:

  • to advance the working agendas and priorities of existing partner groups focused on the four Pillars of YMCA Vision 2030.
  • to foster working partnerships uniting complementary strengths and skills to enhance the work we do at the community, national and regional levels.
  • to inspire delegates by sharing innovations and youth led solutions that can be scaled up and replicated
  • to equip delegates with new tools and futurist thinking to attract investment towards projects and initiatives that accelerate impact led change.

The five days of the Summit will provide a global platform where delegates will:

  • Learn how futurist thinking, research and impact measurement can advance new and shared initiatives across the four Pillars of YMCA Vision 2030.
  • hear from young people about the impact of their projects, leading community led solutions around the world.
  • build strong networks within the Movement and partnerships outside it
  • showcase their own innovation and learning through panel discussions, workshops, small learning groups and the 'Partnership Marketplace'.
  • go on ‘experiential visits’ to YMCA and others’ projects around Mombasa, to understand the urgency of advancing the Pillars, seen through the lens of Kenya and Africa.

Fast Facts